Top 10 Nutritional Foods For Healthy Eating | Top Energy Sources

Nutritional Food

A famous saying about Nutritional foods is as “A person can not think well, Love well, enjoy well, sleep well, if one has not dined well”.

A healthy and balanced diet is what keeps you young ever to fell the romance of nature. So, it is necessary to be aware of the diet full of nutrients.

Lets explore some of them,

1- Beans

Beans is considered among both of the Vegetables and Proteins, so an organic food that is full of nutrients.

Different names of Beans are also pretty awesome like itself as cranberry, scarlet etc.

Beans contain Protein with low fat and full of Fibers. It can protect human body from diabetes and is a strong defender against cancer.

It also help muscles heal up in case of any injury.

Use the Beans by blending them with spices for spread and dips. You can also add them in soup or sauces. Adding them in salad can boost the nutrition and the beauty effect of this.

2- Oats

Considering its health benefits, the use of Oats is increased at a large scale in past some years and become the fundamental of the diet for health conscious people.

some years ago results were undertaken that foods containing the oats in any form becomes low fat and hence reduces cardio diseases, after this research the use of oats was increased suddenly.

Fresh oats could be the more beneficial for oatmeal.

3- Yogurt

Creamy and thick yogurt can be a great source of proteins and calcium.

Yogurt in its pure form increases the immunity system and digestion process. As it contains calcium so it makes bones more stronger.

Greek Yogurt is more nutritional and beneficial for health.

You can use Yogurt along your Breakfast and even in brunch. Don’t use it more before sleep time.

4- Apples

Apples are considered the power house in the world of nutritional foods.

Keeping the famous saying in mind “An Apple a day keeps the doctor away”, you should make apples part of your routine diet.

It is a power bank of antioxidants, it means that they lower the rate of body factors that impact your body cells.

Many studies have proved that using apples can increase your life span as your aging process will be lowered.

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5- Avocados

Avocados are high with fats, so some people avoid using them. But they are full of nutrients along with Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Vitamin B.

They are full of fibers.

They are seen to be beneficial for some types of Cancer at early stages. It reduces the metabolic risk factors.

6- Blueberries

Blueberries are great source of Fiber and usually they are found in blue or purple color.

Being a nutritional food it is also considered the Power house of anti oxidants like Apples. They also prevent the cardiac diseases.

Using Blueberries can lower the blood pressure in case of using them daily for some time in a specific amount e.g. 22 grams.

7- Pineapple

Saying the word ‘Pineapple’ word is it self mouth watering. This super amazing fruit is full of Vitamins.

It includes Vitamin B, Enzymes and Minerals.

Adding them in Salad can amazingly increase the appetite as every one loves them.

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8- Eggs

Eggs are the best source of protein and it is used almost in every part of world.

Eggs are the major part of Gym lovers as it provide a great source of energy in really quick way.

They contain B2 and B12 vitamins, both are very beneficial for preserving energy and generating red blood cells.

Researches shows that eating up to 8 eggs in a weak have no effect in increasing your fat level and have no risk in heart diseases.

9- Chicken

chicken is a delicious and real protein food. Doctors recommend 250g of chicken daily in your diet.

Usually nutritionists recommend eating chicken but it depends all upon the way of cooking.

However, using deep fried chicken and taking it in fast food could be injurious to health.

10- Fish Oil

There are various types of fishes that produce natural oil. Again deep fried fish can destroy the vitamins included in it.

Some of the types of Oily fishes are Trout, Salmon, herring and sardines.

This fish oil is beneficial for nervous system and heart diseases.

concluding the topic, these were some big sources of nutritional foods and every health conscious person should take a subsequent amount of those in regular routine.


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