Job has different abbreviation related to different fields. Job stand for just obey your boss. Job is a work that a man do in the work place. A man can do the job in the government and in the private sectors. World best job is considered Doctor professions field like Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse practitioner, Pediatrician, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Physician and so on.
Means the job of a doctor is the world best job according the world best job ranking of 2019. The job of doctor is to serve the other’s so that’s why it is called world best job. If a man do the job of his passion then he is going to promote so on.
There are two types of Jobs
- Government Jobs
- Private Jobs
Government Jobs:
The government job is the limited job at the age of 60 years in Pakistan. Some government jobs are given below:
Teacher is very good job. A teacher guides the students in their practical and their personal life. Teacher is the doctor mind of the students. Teacher is like a ladder who stands on his or her place but helps the other to go higher and higher. Teacher is like a lamp who always give light and burn itself.
Teacher inspires the students for their bright future and career. The second government job is Army. Army is the job for the safety of homeland and motherland. Mostly Pakistani young’s having passion and madness in army profession. They are not worry about their lives and homes. They just do the job for the great passion of the country. Pakistani army is at the top of list of the World.
Private Jobs:
A private job is so different as compare to the government job. In private sectors, a man do the job just limited time. The main difference between private and government job is that the fear of the finish the job is in the private sectors. If the company is in low ranking list then auto company off. Or if the mindset of the boss is changed then obviously company off. sometimes private job is also doing good jobs.
For Example, a boy was working in the factory. The job of this boy is in workshop. The boss of this boy is always toucher him, you are not able of this job, get out. The boy was sad. He struggled on his own feet and then one day he became his company. The name of this boy is Honda. And also his company name is Honda. A man do job in private or government sectors. It doesn’t matter. Love your own passion. Love your own field.
Why is a Job Man Left Behind?
Job is a profession
that is doing after taken education and may be experience. In job, the necessary thing are responsible and Focus. Many situation occurs in the World related to job. When man do the job just for the rupees not for the passion. And also not consider his hobby. It is called greediness. Passion, Love, loyalty, constancy and devotion have no price. Our father doesn’t take money from us for his great love. And never said the mother of taking charge of her beautiful and great affection love.
The natural passion
has no price. The successful people like Qasim Ali Shah saying “It the work of me was the job then I didn’t do”. The passion starts anytime. For example, late night at the 02:00 pm, passion of getting knowledge starts when we are taking breakfast, at teatimes, at reading newspaper, when sitting in between people also starts the passion (Knowledge sharing). Passion doesn’t demand the time and doesn’t the needy for the jobs. Passion always free you from timing space.
You can learn something anywhere. According to the observations and research, the main failure of the educational system is that our classroom teaches. Books are the source of achieving knowledge. There are many others way to get knowledge. Observations, Experience, Explores and discoveries are the main way should not be occur in passion and in blood relations. When counting occur in love e.g, I love more you than your things. Then the relations does not go far and stay forever.
When counting occurs
in the things then the love, faith, passion even the relations finish. Effectiveness should be occur in your passion. First of all, check that the work you want to show to whom. Your inner place (soul) or your lord. If you didn’t take decision then it will be very tough for you. The World biggest tough work is to satisfy the people, boss and society. Thank to Allah that Allah granting forgiveness if you flow the tear equal to the wing of the fly.
The works are doing to satisfy the Allah are the biggest works. If the work is done from the basis and founders then there is no need of such kind of motivational speakers and lectures. They secrets of the best motivational speaker and writers are the good thinking. They learn new things then publish and upload for others in terms of good deeds. At the end, don’t think small, negative think and do not do the jobs just for the money. Do the work that your soul also get the peace.
Skills For a Job
There are some skills which are very important for a job.
- Education is very essential for a job. Without education job is not possible. According to the demands education should be completed.
- Interview is the second step for the job. after completed the education, the skills of interview is also important. Should be prepared for the interview.
- Experience have also role in the skills of job. You can get experiences through your surrounding environments.
- Hobbies also connected with the skills of job. For example, teaching is your hobby from the start. Then you can easily do your job and will be promoted step by step.
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